RED – Resurse Educationale Deschise

RED – Resurse Educationale Deschise

Resursele educationale deschise (RED) sunt resursele de învățare care sunt utilizabile, adaptabile la nevoile specifice ale procesului de învățare, și pot fi utilizate gratuit.

Locuri, profesori cu spirit liber, provocări frumoase,

descâlciri de concepții, lucruri nevăzute despre omenie, colaborare, armonii nespuse despre oamenii care dau valoare, tablete de fericire cu gust de infinit care te învaţă drumul înapoi spre tine, putința de a crea legături durabile, prietenii unite sub același țel al învățării, al interacțiunii umane dincolo de barierele limbii natale, toate împletite în experiențe unice. Să rămânem alături!

Vezi Revista Noastra



Având în vedere condițiile incerte în care ne aflăm, am hotărât schmbarea datei de desfășurare a simpozionului intitulat „Diseminarea rezultatelor obținute în urma participării la proiectele internaționale”. Acesta se va desfășura online în data de 23.06.2023 la ora 11.00 (în

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The Teachers say

During my recent encounter with the lovely Romanian students, I had the privilege of collaborating with an exceptional group of students ranging in age from 13 to 17. Their language proficiency level falls between C1 and C2. Remarkably, they effortlessly adapted to the Callan Method, although it initially caught them off guard. Their enthusiasm reached its peak during our critical thinking and debates on various subjects, encompassing art, movies, games, politics, education systems and more. Whenever we encountered new vocabulary, they eagerly inquired about its meaning and diligently attempted to incorporate it into their sentence construction. Not only were they a delightful group, but it was also a sheer pleasure to work with them, even if our time together was brief. Undoubtedly, our interactions were filled with enjoyment and laughter.

Teacher Adam

Hosting Romanian students was a lovely and also interesting experience. We had many students in our groups, but I believe we all handled the lessons very effectively. My group (Green) were 12-15y/o teenagers, all attending middle school. An interesting mix. They were interested in the Callan method and responded well to higher stages (8+). I believe the stage was more challenging and they needed to focus more. We also did some group conversational activities which engaged them even further. Most of them were voicing their opinion on variety of topics, such as environmental issues, studying methods and their country. The students really liked working in pairs and groups and brainstorming, however they often spoke in their native language while working together. Moreover, students often lose focus and get bored at that age. Activities using your mobile phone were life-savers in these situations. Overall pleasant, interesting and different!

Teacher Tamara

Recent Work

Ghidurile metodice au drept scop promovarea și diseminarea exemplelor de bune practici în ceea ce privește instruirea prin utilizarea metodelor și mijloacele moderne care dezvoltă învățarea activă.

Ghid metodic de bune practici – Vol I
Ghid metodic de bune practici – Vol II
Ghid metodic de bune practici – Vol III